
Clients particularly appreciate readings that match the mood of the text. For example, if you are recording a voice over for a summer clothing campaign, it is likely that the tone should be cheerful and not read like an educational film.

Or if you are going to voiceover a horror movie trailer you need to convey that horror to the audience. If you cannot immerse yourself in the text and deliver in an authentic way, cancellation of the project should be considered.

Take care to offer alternatives to the customer . It may not be possible to satisfy them with just one recording. In addition, it will reduce the possibility of receiving revision requests.

If you have taken on a project such as a long audio book, be sure to share demos with your client before recording. None of us would want a 500-page book to be revised.

Most importantly, update your samples periodically. Considering the fact that your voice may change over time so your profile continues to represent your current capabilities.