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What does 'Book Now' mean? How does it work?

Wir fordern Preise von Künstlern für Projekte mit 5, 50, 500, 2.500, 5.000, 10.000, 25.000 und 50.000 Wörtern an. Wenn ein Künstler diese Preise in seinem Profil angibt, bereitet das System automatisch einen Algorithmus vor und bietet Ihnen die Preise des Künstlers basierend auf verschiedenen Wortzahlen an. Diese Preise ermöglichen Ihnen einen direkten Kauf zum vorher vereinbarten Satz des Künstlers. Die anfänglichen Preise, die Sie sehen, sind die "Standard-Nutzungs"-Preise. Wenn Sie einen anderen Nutzungs-Typ auswählen (wie z.B. nationale Nutzung, internationale Nutzung usw.), aktualisiert der Künstler seinen Preis entsprechend den von ihm definierten Tarifen oder Optionen.

Diese Preise beinhalten eine Bindung an den Künstler und können nicht sofort geändert werden.

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Welche Ausrüstung benötige ich, um zu beginnen?

Du benötigst drei Dinge. Erstens ein Mikrofon, zweitens ein Aufnahmegerät und am wichtigsten, einen akustisch behandelten Raum.

Ein Mikrofon, das den Rundfunkstandards entspricht, ist entscheidend. Verschiedene Marken bieten Geräte in verschiedenen Preisklassen an, die diesen Standards entsprechen.

Du kannst mit einem Aufnahmegerät oder über deinen Computer mit einer guten Soundkarte aufnehmen, solange sie das unkomprimierte Format (.wav) unterstützt.

Das Wichtigste ist das Studio. Du kannst dein Studio mit verschiedenen Budgets einrichten, indem du die empfohlenen Methoden auf YouTube-Kanälen oder anderen Online-Quellen findest. Alternativ kannst du ein vorhandenes Studio in deiner Nähe nutzen. Stelle sicher, dass im Studio, das du verwenden wirst, kein Echo (Hall) oder Hintergrundgeräusche vorhanden sind. Wir empfehlen einen Rauschpegel von -60 dB oder niedriger.

Diese drei Ausrüstungsgegenstände sind ausreichend für Anfänger. Wenn du jedoch ein fortgeschritteneres System möchtest, kannst du deine Einrichtung mit Geräten wie einem Mikrofon-Vorverstärker und einem Kompressor verbessern, um deine Technologie zu optimieren.

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Warum haben manche Künstler keinen "Schnellbestellung"-Button?

Einige unserer Künstler bevorzugen es, an jedem Projekt individuell zu arbeiten, indem sie die Vorschlagsmethode verwenden, anstatt Standardpreise basierend auf der Wortanzahl festzulegen. So können sie wissen, was von ihnen erwartet wird, und versuchen, sich mit Ihrem Budget abzustimmen.

Deshalb haben diese Künstler keine "Jetzt buchen"-Schaltfläche.

Wenn Sie einen Künstler wie diesen auswählen, beschreiben Sie Ihr Projekt bitte im Detail. Wo werden Sie es verwenden? Wie lange werden Sie es verwenden? Was ist die Botschaft Ihrer Marke? Was ist Ihr Skript? Dies sind die Arten von Fragen, die Sie von ihnen erwarten können, damit sie wissen, wie sie Ihnen am besten dienen können!

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Wie viele Überarbeitungen kann ein Kunde anfordern?

Ein Künstler ist verpflichtet, Fehler zu beheben, die auf eigenen Versäumnissen beruhen. Das bedeutet, wenn sie das von Ihnen bereitgestellte Skript falsch gelesen haben, können Sie kostenlose Überarbeitungen anfordern, bis es korrigiert ist.

Wenn Sie jedoch unterschiedliche Interpretationen benötigen, wie 'etwas schneller' oder 'versuchen Sie eine tiefere Tonlage', oder sogar eine Änderung an der Formulierung in einem Skript, dann gelten die vom Künstler festgelegten Standards.

Diese Standards sind wie folgt: Unsere Künstler legen ihre eigenen Preise fest, einschließlich der Anzahl von Überarbeitungen, die sie anbieten.

Es ist jedoch auch möglich, zusätzliche Überarbeitungen anzufordern. In solchen Fällen wird für jede zusätzliche angeforderte Überarbeitung eine zusätzliche Gebühr gemäß dem vom Künstler festgelegten Satz berechnet.

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Was passiert, wenn ein Kunde meine Sprachaufnahme ablehnt?

Genau wie die Rechte der Künstler geschützt werden, streben wir bei VoiceBros.com danach, die Rechte all unserer Kunden zu schützen.

Manchmal erreicht ein Kunde möglicherweise nicht den gewünschten Klang, den er sucht, oder ist mit der gelieferten Audiodatei nicht zufrieden. In solchen Fällen haben die Kunden die Möglichkeit, ein Projekt abzulehnen, wodurch sie eine Rückerstattung des gezahlten Betrags erhalten können. Allerdings schützt VoiceBros auch die Rechte des Künstlers. 40% der Gebühr für das abgelehnte Projekt (bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von 300 USD) werden von VoiceBros finanziert und auf das Konto des Künstlers überwiesen.

Diese Richtlinie gilt nur für von VoiceBros genehmigte Projekte. Es wird keine Zahlung an den Künstler für Arbeiten geleistet, die vom Support-Team von VoiceBros abgelehnt und als ungeeignet für die Auslieferung an den Kunden angesehen wurden.

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Wie kann ich mit einem Kunden kommunizieren?

Ein Sprachkünstler kann nur dann Kontakt zu einem Kunden aufnehmen, wenn der Kunde die Nachrichteninitiiert. Das Nachrichtensystem wird für beide Parteien 90 Tage nach dem letzten Gespräch zurückgesetzt und geschlossen.

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Wie erfahre ich, ob ich für ein Projekt ausgewählt wurde?

Die von Kunden erstellten Aufträge erscheinen in unserem System, sobald der Kunde die Zahlung abgeschlossen hat. Sobald die Projekte vom VoiceBros-Management-Team überprüft und genehmigt wurden, werden sie in den "Projekte"-Bereich des Künstlerkontos übertragen. Darüber hinaus wird eine projektbezogene E-Mail an den Künstler gesendet, um ihn über das Projekt zu informieren. Dieser gesamte Prozess dauert maximal 30 Minuten.

Wenn erforderlich, kann der Administrator vom Kunden Überarbeitungen des erhaltenen Skripts anfordern. Wenn Sie keine E-Mails erhalten, überprüfen Sie bitte Ihren Spam-Ordner und markieren Sie die E-Mail als nicht als Spam, falls sie dort gefunden wird.

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Wie kann ich ein Projektangebot vorschlagen?

Die Kundenanfrage für ein Angebot (Preisanfrage) wird Ihnen zunächst über eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung zugesandt. Um Preisdetails anzugeben, können Sie sich im System anmelden und die Preisanfrage im Menü "Meine Angebote" sorgfältig überprüfen.

Manchmal können Kunden Preisanfragen über den Nachrichtenbereich stellen. Bitte geben Sie in solchen Fällen keine schriftlichen Preise an. Bitten Sie stattdessen den Kunden, detaillierte Informationen zu seinem Projekt über die Schaltfläche "Anfrage erstellen" bereitzustellen. Sie können den Kunden nun bitten, ein "Angebot anfordern"-Formular auszufüllen und eine Bestellung auf Grundlage des von Ihnen angegebenen Preises zu erstellen.

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Wie lange benötige ich, um ein Projekt zu liefern?

Als Künstler sollten Sie bei der Erstellung Ihres Profils Lieferzeiten in den "Preis" -Einstellungen festgelegt haben. Wenn ein Projekt erstellt wird, berechnet der Algorithmus automatisch Ihre Lieferzeit anhand dieser Informationen. Wenn Sie nur mit der Bietmethode arbeiten, können Sie auch bei der Erstellung Ihres Vorschlags Ihre Lieferzeit entsprechend der Anforderung des Kunden festlegen.

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Wie kann ich mit einem Künstler Kontakt aufnehmen?

Sie können nur über den Nachrichtenbereich mit einem Künstler kommunizieren. Nach 90 Tagen seit dem letzten Gespräch wird das Nachrichtensystem für beide Parteien zurückgesetzt und geschlossen. Manchmal kann es aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen, in denen der Künstler lebt, zu Verzögerungen bei den Antworten kommen.

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Was ist die Funktion der Schaltfläche "Brief anfordern"?

Unterhalb des Nachrichtenbereichs auf der Seite jedes Künstlers gibt es eine Warnmeldung, die besagt: "!!! ACHTUNG !!! Der Kunde kann Sie in diesem Abschnitt nach einem Preis fragen. In solchen Fällen verwenden Sie bitte die Schaltfläche 'Brief anfordern' unten. Geben Sie Ihren Preis hier nicht schriftlich an."

Der Grund dafür ist, dass Kunden manchmal Künstler während des Nachrichtenaustauschs nach Preisen fragen. Wenn der Künstler nur per Nachricht auf eine Preisfrage antwortet, entsteht keine Situation, in der der Kunde eine Bestellung aufgeben kann. Selbst wenn der Kunde dem Preis zustimmt, weiß er immer noch nicht, was der Künstler liefern kann. Der Künstler muss möglicherweise weitere Erklärungen abgeben und den Kunden anleiten.

Um solche Verwirrungen zu verhindern, wenn der Künstler möchte, dass der Kunde über die Schaltfläche "Brief anfordern" eine Anfrage erstellt, wird automatisch eine Anfrage an den Künstler gesendet, wo er ein Angebot erstellen kann. Der Angebotsprozess beginnt dann, und beide Parteien können Projekte schneller und effizienter starten.

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Wie funktioniert das Wallet-System?

Wenn Sie ein Kunde sind:

Es gibt keine Begrenzung für den Betrag, den Sie auf Ihrem Konto haben können. Dieses Guthaben kann entweder Rückerstattungen aus früheren Transaktionen oder das von Ihnen aufgeladene Guthaben sein. Wenn Sie ein neues Projekt initiieren möchten, wird Sie das System während des Zahlungsvorgangs auffordern, eine Zahlungsmethode auszuwählen. Wenn Sie ausreichend Guthaben in Ihrem digitalen Portemonnaie haben, können Sie wählen, die Zahlung von Ihrem Konto aus zu tätigen. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, jederzeit einen Teilbetrag oder den gesamten Betrag von Ihrem digitalen Portemonnaie auf Ihr Konto abzuheben. Darüber hinaus können Sie jederzeit alle Ihre Kontotransaktionen überprüfen und auf die erforderlichen Dokumente zugreifen.

Wenn Sie ein Künstler sind:

Sie können so viel Guthaben auf Ihrem Konto haben, wie Sie möchten. Dieses Guthaben repräsentiert die Zahlungen, die Ihnen aus den Projekten zustehen, die Sie zuvor abgeschlossen haben. Sie können jederzeit einen Teilbetrag oder den gesamten Betrag von Ihrem digitalen Portemonnaie auf Ihr Konto abheben. Darüber hinaus können Sie in diesem Abschnitt alle Ihre Kontotransaktionen überprüfen und auf die erforderlichen Dokumente zugreifen.

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How can I leave a rating/comment for the artist I worked with?

Sie können detaillierte Kommentare und Bewertungen auf dem Bildschirm abgeben, sobald das Projekt abgeschlossen ist. Dies ist eine unglaubliche Ressource für Künstler, da Feedback und Bewertungen von Kunden ihre wertvollste Referenz für zukünftige Projekte sind.

Wenn der Kunde dies wünscht, kann er in diesem Abschnitt eine zusätzliche Zahlung an den Künstler als Trinkgeld für ihre Zufriedenheit mit der Leistung leisten.

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How can I get more work?

The tone of your voice, recording quality, price/performance ratio, and delivery speed are important factors that clients consider when choosing a voice artist.

Additionally, establishing good relationships with clients can have a positive impact on the rating system and can be a determining factor for clients to choose you.

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How can I find a specific voice actor I've worked with before?

You can access the information about all your completed or ongoing projects (including artist details) from the "Projects" menu. Additionally, you can add your favorite artists to your favorites list.

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How can I change my email or mobile phone number?

Sign in to your VoiceBros account.
-Open your user menu on the right side of the page and click "My Profile".
-Click on the "Personal Information" option in the menu located on the left side of the opened page.
-Click on the "edit" icon next to your email or mobile phone number on the opened personal information page.

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How can I create an effective voice-over sample?

To provide an impactful sample, you should push your boundaries and perform readings that showcase all of your skills. This way, clients will have seen all your capabilities. For example, if you are going to create an audiobook sample, you should be able to convey a wide range of strong emotional performances in your recording.

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How do I receive an invoice?

Of course! However, the invoice will not be generated until after you approve the project. Please make sure to fill in your invoice details during or before placing your order.

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Where can I access my invoice?

When your project is completed, your invoice will be generated automatically by the system. You can access and download your project information and generated invoices from your account movements in the "Digital Wallet" menu.

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What is VoiceBros refund policy?

VoiceBros provides you with the ability to cancel 1 project for every 3 projects you approve. Let's say you have completed your first project but you are not satisfied with the result. You can certainly cancel it and get a refund. However, the cancel button will not appear for the next 2 projects. It is important to use the cancellation button only when it is truly necessary.

For instance; you have created your project, but the artist insists on not fulfilling your request. You have the option to cancel the project and open a dispute. If Voicebros management files the dispute in your favor, your right to cancel remains reserved.

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Which payment methods are available?

Currently, on VoiceBros, you can make payments using credit cards, debit cards, and money order. For detailed information, you can contact finance@voicebros.com.

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Why was my account deactivated?

There can be multiple reasons for this.

Reasons for deactivating an Account:
1- Poor quality samples,
2- Low-quality work deliveries,
3- Inconsistency between delivered work and samples,
4- Artist's inability to deliver work on time,
5- Negative relationships with customers,
6- Excessive number of canceled works (more than 50%).

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How can I "Deactivate/Activate" or Delete my account?

Sign in to your VoiceBros account.
-Click on the "My Profile" option by opening your user menu located on the right side of the page.
-Click on "Profile Status" in the menu located on the left side of the opened page.
-You can make your selection from the opened page.

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Tips for a good studio recording.

For a good studio recording, the voiceover should have at least the following features:

The audio file you upload should be in *.wav format, with a sample rate of 44.100 or 48K kHz, and a bit depth of 16, 24-, or 32-bit. It should also be in mono format.
Audio files that do not comply with this format will not be accepted.
Be sure to use professional recording equipment and speak at an appropriate proximity to the microphone.
Try to record your audio at around -3dB Peak level.
The recording should be suitable for editing purposes.
There should be no room echo (reverb).
There should be no distortion and/or clipping.
There should be no artifacts or distracting noises such as clicks, pops, or audio interruptions.
There should not be more silence at the beginning or end than necessary (0.5 seconds is recommended).
It is recommended that you do not use effects on your recording. (noise reduction plugin, EQ, etc…).
There should not be any compressor or limiter applied.
Harsh breaths should be minimized as much as possible.
There should be no mouth noises/clicks.
There shouldn't be any background noise.

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In how many languages can I do voice overs?

You can do voice-over in a maximum of three languages. However, the second and third language options are subject to Voicebros' approval. If there is any doubt about your proficiency in a language, it may be rejected by the admin.

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Why did the Quality Control Team reject my delivery?

VoiceBros audio standards are notified to artists at the time of uploading a file. Also in the "Help" menu, in the "What are your Quality Control Unit standards?" section, you can see the standards we expect under the heading.  Any work that does not comply with these standards will not accepted.

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Why should personal contact information not be shared?

VoiceBros values providing a fluid communication process between artists and clients. To ensure a satisfactory experience for both parties, we provide a continuous communication channel through our messaging platform and email. However, in order for both parties to have a peaceful, secure and quality experience, the communication that takes place must be carefully monitored. Therefore, not sharing personal contact information is considered a requirement of VoiceBros' superior quality of service.

Additionally, transferring communication outside of the platform can lead to mutual rights violations and create security vulnerabilities. In such cases, VoiceBros does not accept any responsibility or liability.

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How does the messaging system work?

Underneath the messaging section of each artist's page, there is a warning message that says:
"!!! ATTENTION !!! The customer may ask you for a price in this section. In such cases, please use the Request Brief button below. Do not provide your price in writing here."

The reason for this is that sometimes customers ask artists for prices during the messaging process. If the artist only responds with a price via messages, it doesn't create a situation where the customer can place an order. Even if the customer agrees to the price, they still don't know what the artist can deliver. The artist may need to provide further explanation and guide the customer.

To prevent this kind of confusion, if the artist wants the customer to create a request by using the "Request Brief" button, it automatically sends a request to the artist where they can create an offer. The offer process then begins, and both parties can begin projects more quickly and efficiently.

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How does the client satisfaction policy work?

VoiceBros policy works on a basis aimed at 100% client satisfaction. Anything that does not satisfy the client is naturally a problem for the VoiceBros Team. Therefore, please share any dissatisfactions with support@voicebros.com. One of our client service representative will reach out to you as soon as possible and will do their best to add you to the "Happy Client" family.

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Why might the client not like the voice over I made?

Clients particularly appreciate readings that match the mood of the text. For example, if you are recording a voice over for a summer clothing campaign, it is likely that the tone should be cheerful and not read like an educational film.

Or if you are going to voiceover a horror movie trailer you need to convey that horror to the audience. If you cannot immerse yourself in the text and deliver in an authentic way, cancellation of the project should be considered.

Take care to offer alternatives to the customer . It may not be possible to satisfy them with just one recording. In addition, it will reduce the possibility of receiving revision requests.

If you have taken on a project such as a long audio book, be sure to share demos with your client before recording. None of us would want a 500-page book to be revised.

Most importantly, update your samples periodically. Considering the fact that your voice may change over time so your profile continues to represent your current capabilities.

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How can I send a quote to the client?

The information about a price request will initially reach you via email.

Log in to the system.
When you log in to your account, you can check your "My Quotes" page to see the quote requests that have been sent to you.
To reject or accept a request when reviewing the details of the newly received request for proposals on the Bids page, or you can switch to creating your offer by clicking the "Submit Offer" button.
By reviewing the client's request and all the details on the proposal creation page, you can see the the expected time to complete the project, your requested fee, and your net profits. After entering all the information and a thorough review, you can submit your offer to the client by clicking the "Submit Quote" button.

Sometimes, the customer may propose a price to you. If the budget is suitable for you, you can accept it and inform the customer accordingly.

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When will I get paid?

The artist's earnings are automatically added to your Wallet account upon completion of the project. Once the funds are in your Wallet, you can request a transfer to your designated payment channel. The transfer to your specified bank account will be processed within a maximum of 3 business days after you make the request.

However, international SWIFT payments may sometimes be delayed due to intermediary banks.

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Why should I be fast and adhere to deadlines?

First and foremost, when starting a project, you are expected to deliver your work within the committed time frame.

The time you have committed is an important factor that also affects the business plans of the customer (and the area it serves).The successful completion of the project is important in terms of the satisfaction of the parties as a result of the work done.

Additionally, every successful project and timely commitment completed within a short time frame are compiled in the background of our system with detailed statistical data. This data is utilized to create a scoring algorithm.

When you deliver fast and successful work, with this algorithm, you increase your chances of getting advantages such as being seen at the top of artist searches or being preferred more.

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Where can I find my payment history?

Sign in to your VoiceBros account.
-Open your user menu on the right side of the page and click "My Profile".
-On the profile page that opens, click on the "Wallet" tab on the left side.
-From the opened page, you can view all your account transactions.

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What audio sample formats can I upload?

The demo audio files you can upload can be in *.mp3 or *.wav format and can be either mono.

However, when you need to upload a voice over for an order, we have certain standards. The audio should be:

Format : Wave Format
Sample rate: 44.1kHz or 48.0kHz
Bit depth: 16-bit or 24-bit or 32-bit

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Can I change my profile information?

Yes, you can update your profile page at any time. However, please note that you may not see the updates instantly. The system uploads the updates at specific intervals.

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What kind of voice over samples should I have on my profile?

You should upload samples in every category.
You have the opportunity to upload 20 samples. With these samples, you should showcase all of your talents.
Because customers review what you are capable of doing before working with you and make their decisions based on that.

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How many voice over samples can I upload to my profile?

You can upload a maximum of twenty sample voice-overs. However, if the customer permits, a one-minute segment of your completed works can be added to your samples. These audio files will be added after one week from the project's completion to continue the existing sample collection and cannot be deleted by the artist.

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What should I include when starting a project?

First of all, you need to have your script ready.

Then, it is beneficial to pay attention to the following:

1- It is essential to have proper punctuation in your script. Otherwise, the artist may not know where to pause or emphasize.
2- Each script may require different character portrayals. For example, if it's a Jean advertisement set on a lively beach with upbeat music, you may need a young and energetic voice. You should determine the type of artist you need before searching.
3- It is very important for the artist for you to include your music or video while creating a project.
4- If you don't have music or a video, it is crucial to describe the desired tone in as much detail as you can.
5- The sections written within [ ] brackets in your project are not included in the price.These sections are descriptive sections. For example, you can use them like this: The horses were running fast.[Take a deep breath here]

If you need assistance during the project creation process, the support team (support@voicebros.com) will be readily available to help you.

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What is the delivery time for my project?

Artists determine the delivery times in the quick pricing settings.
When you create a project, the algorithm will automatically generate the delivery time accordingly.
For artists who only work with the bidding method, they will already determine the delivery time in the proposal they prepare based on your request.

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What audio format should I upload for projects?

The voice-overs to be delivered to the buyer at the end of the project must be in *.wav format, with a sample rate of 44,100 or 48,000 kHz, and a bit depth of 16, 24, or 32 bits. They should also be in mono format.

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Can I charge a fee for revisions?

An artist is obligated to rectify errors that stem from their own mistakes. For instance, if they misread the script as specified in the project, free revisions can be requested until the error is corrected.

However, if different readings are needed, like 'a bit faster' or 'try with a deeper tone', the standards set by the artists come into effect.

These standards are as follows:
Our artists, while setting their prices, also determine the number of revisions they offer.

Yet, it is possible to request more revisions. In such cases, each additional revision will be charged an extra fee, according to the rate established by the artist.

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How does the artist search and filter features work?

You can use the filters to find the artist you are looking for on the 'Voice Over Artists' page.

The system works on a word basis (except for artists working only with the 'Request a Quote' method).

Therefore, you need to enter the number of words first. Then by selecting the language and usage area, you can reach the prices for the project you are planning.

Prices may vary depending on the usage areas of your project. Artists set all their prices themselves. Therefore, if you wish, you can negotiate or request a special price from the artists to get the work completed within your specified budget.

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Can I change artist?

If you are not satisfied with a artist's performance or they are unable to deliver the work on time, you can certainly request a change of artist. For this, write to VoiceBros Support from the message section or give information to support@voicebros.com. Our support team is always available to assist you.

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The artist is asking for an additional fee, what should I do?

VoiceBros works to establish healthy communication between the artist and the client. However, each artist sets his own rules at VoiceBros. He determines his own prices, number of revisions, and the fees he wants for additional revisions. The artist and the client can also agree on additional fees by exchanging project-specific messages. Accordingly, you can make payment using the "Additional Payment" button if you see fit. VoiceBros does not intervene in the communication between the parties in case of any dispute. However; if you cannot reach a solution with the artist, you can request help by writing to Voicebros Support Unit at support@voicebros or in the message section.

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Can we make a long-term agreement with the artist?

When requesting proposals from artists, you can negotiate a price agreement in USD for a certain period of time for more than one project. This agreement can be unilaterally terminated without any liability on the part of the parties.

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Why was my voice over application not approved?

Here are the reasons why only 10% of artist applications to VoiceBros are accepted into the system:

1- Delivery and microphone acting should be engaging and captivating, regardless of how good your diction or language skills are. Following this principle, every language teacher should be able to do voice-over work, but that's not the case. Your voice tone should also be attention-grabbing.
2- You should have proper articulation and no diction issues.
3- Sufficient experience is required.
4- Your technical equipment should meet the VoiceBros standards.

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How are artist payments made?

The project fee is added to your wallet account upon the customer's approval of the project. It remains in your wallet under your name until you make a withdrawal request. You can make a withdrawal request from the wallet section. Once you make a request, the payment will be processed within a maximum of 3 business days.

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How are artist fees determined?

An artist sets their own fee for a job. In the "Prices" section of the profile, the artist can determine the prices for audio samples, and these prices can serve as a reference for future projects.

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How can I request a price from the artist?

When you find the artist you want to work with, you can initiate the process by clicking the "Request Quote" button on the artist's profile card. On the page that opens, you will start by giving a name for the requested project. Then, you can create your quote request to the artist by selecting or adding parameters such as the script, description, usage area, sample voice, additional files for extra information, and any additional requests.
Alternatively, if you don't have a ready script, you can provide a general overview of your project and request a price quote.
Important: You must specify where and how the audio will be used correctly.

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How are artists selected into the system? How can I be a Voice Artist?

When signing up for VoiceBros, you will be asked whether you are a Customer or an Artist. The process will begin once you indicate that you are an Artist.

You will be required to upload a sample voice recording to the system. This sample will be evaluated by an expert team, and your eligibility for the next stage will be determined. Your application may not be deemed suitable at this stage. Reasons for this could include inadequate technique or experience. If you are deemed suitable, you will move on to the second stage, where you will be sent a technical proficiency test. Artists who successfully pass the test can then be added to the platform.

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How does the browse artist page work?

In the artist review page, there is a comprehensive filtering section at the top. In this section, you can apply filters to refine your search based on criteria such as word count, language, usage area, categories, gender, price range, and currency selection.

The information of all artists working within VoiceBros is listed in the form of an "Identity Card" on the page. Each artist's profile includes their image, voice categories, prices based on the specified word count (standard 5 words), delivery times, and other relevant details.

In addition, the detailed price calculation simulator can be accessed through an icon.

You can proceed to the project initiation stage using the "Buy Now" button if available, or you can proceed to the creation of a custom offer request from the artist using the "Request a Quote" button.

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Can I request a quote from a voice over artist?

Yes, you can request a quote from the artist using the "Request Quote" button and propose a price at this stage.

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What are the audio quality standards I will receive?

The voice you purchase will be in *.wav format, with 44,100 or 48,000 kHz, 16 bit or 24 bit or 32 bit, and mono features.

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How can I ensure the quality of the audio I purchase?

The best way to understand the quality of a voice is to listen to it with a high-quality pair of headphones (preferably reference headphones) in a quiet environment. This way, you can discern low frequencies, sound distortions, mispronunciations, or any reverberations accurately.

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What are the usage rights (license/copyright) of the sounds I sell/bought?

Standard Use: Local TV stations, Local Cinemas, Local Radios, Central Voice, Announcements, Meetings, Presentations, YouTube Channels, Local Social Media Advertising, etc. (Limited to 1 year)

National Use: In addition to the rights of Standard Use, National TV stations, National Cinemas, National Radios, National YouTube Ads, National Social Media Advertising, etc. (Limited to 1 year)

International Use: In addition to the rights of Standard Use and National Use, International TV stations, International Cinemas, International Radios, International YouTube Ads, International Social Media Advertising, etc. (Limited to 1 year)

All Usage Rights - Unlimited: Covers unlimited usage rights in unlimited areas for an unlimited period.

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What is the audio recording format?

The demo voices you upload can be in *.mp3 or *.wav format, 16kbps, and can be mono. However, the voice overs to be delivered to the buyer at the end of the project must only be in *.wav format, with 44,100 or 48,000 kHz, 16 bit or 24 bit or 32 bit, and must be mono file types.

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How do I start a career in the voice over industry?

Starting a career in voiceover is exciting!

However, like any career in any industry, it requires education. To be successful, you need to have fundamental skills and knowledge in both voice acting and audio technology. We recommend voice training as well as sound technology education to excel in the field.

If you're interested in reading a guide written by voice actors for voice actors, you can check out the Voiceover Guide. We also recommend signing up for our platform to familiarize yourself with both the voiceover industry and the VoiceBros platform.

As an artist, once your email verification is complete, you will be entered into a short testing process.

The purpose of the testing process is to help you understand the VoiceBros system, analyze your recording standards, measure your delivery speed, and verify that the voice samples provided truly belong to you.

We wish you success in your voice over career.

If you have any questions or issues regarding the site, we are here to assist you.

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Why can't I upload my voice over in to the system?

The audio file format that you upload should be in *.wav format, either 44,100 or 48,000 kHz, either 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit and mono format.

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How can I change my password?

Sign in to your VoiceBros account.

Open your user menu on the right side of the page and click on "Change Password."

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How do I adjust my settings for time away from work?

Sign in to your VoiceBros account.

Open your user menu on the right side of the page and click on "My Profile"
On the opened page, click on "Holiday Times" from the left menu.
From the opened page, you can manage all your time off requests.

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How do I report inappropriate messages?

If you receive any inappropriate messages that bothers you, you can report them by clicking on the "i" icon that you will see when you hover over the message. Reported messages are regularly reviewed by our system administrators. If necessary, we will examine the user's activity and legitimacy and take appropriate action, including blocking if needed.

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How do I adjust my fees and preferences?

Please log into your VoiceBros account.

Open your user menu on the right side of the page and click on "My Profile"
On the opened page, click on "Pricing" from the menu on the left side.
On the following page, you can specify all your rates and preferences.

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How does VoiceBros work?

VoiceBros is a marketplace application that connects voice over artists with clients in need of voice over services.
Users visiting the platform can find the artists who can fulfill their desired work by using detailed filtering options and reviewing their sample voiceovers.
For users who wish to place a voiceover order, it is necessary to first create a free account on the platform. After creating their customer profile, they can proceed by either initiating a project with the artist's "Book Now" price or by requesting a custom quote.

VoiceBros provides voice over artists with a fast, secure, and cost-effective (remote) working opportunity. Artists who log into the platform and upload their profile information and sample voiceovers can connect with potential customers."

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What is VoiceBros?

It is the world's most comprehensive voiceover platform where you can access thousands of voice artists who professionally speak numerous languages and dialects, along with tens of thousands of voice samples, faster than ever before and at more affordable prices.

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How does the VoiceBros ranking system work?

The following criteria determines your ranking criteria:

Communication speed (creating proposals, responding to emails and messages, completing projects, completing revisions).
Number of successfully completed projects.
Number of canceled projects.
Positive or negative reviews about you.
Editor rating about you.
Duration of your online presence in the system.

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In which language should I use to communicate with clients or voice over artists?

When you want to message any artist, you will be able to see the languages in which the artist can perform voice overs on the screen. Therefore, you can choose any communication language that is suitable for you.

However, our primary communication language is English, even if it may not be among the languages in which the artist can perform voiceovers.

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How secure are the VoiceBros payment systems?

VoiceBros employs highly secure payment channels to protect your financial security and privacy. Our system processes your card information in a secured manner that is only between your bank and you. During this process, your card information is not shared with or visible to any third parties, including VoiceBros.

Our priority is to ensure that your payments are processed securely and your personal information is protected to the highest degree.

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When using VoiceBros, what can I do to highlight or increase my job opportunities?

The following criteria are important for increasing your job capacity:

Communication speed (creating proposals, responding to emails and messages, completing projects, completing revisions).
Number of successfully completed projects.
Positive reviews about you.
Editor rating about you.
Duration of your online presence in the system.

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What is VoiceBros approach to client rights?

VoiceBros provides its customers with the right to cancel one project for every three approved projects. In such cases a cancel request is made, the customer's payment will be refunded.

Additionally, if a project is created but the artist fails to submit their work, the customer has the right to cancel the project and initiate a dispute. If the VoiceBros management team determines the dispute to be in favor of the customer, the customer's cancellation right will be upheld.

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What is VoiceBros approach to artist rights?

An artist has the option to withdraw from a project if they wish. However, all actions are monitored by the admin, and a success/performance statistics are created. If a significant negative trend is detected in the success rate based on these generated data, the admin has the unilateral authority to close the account.

If the ratio of canceled projects exceeds 25% of the total projects, the artist's account will be monitored by the admin. Based on the evaluation result, the admin has the authority to close the account.

Artists receive a 40% refund of the total amount for canceled projects.

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Will my voice over be used?

The efforts of VoiceBros artists are protected under the VoiceBros guarantee.

An artist who delivers their work flawlessly will receive 65% of the net payment within 3 business days. However, in some cases, customers may not accept the work. In such situations, VoiceBros refunds the customer's payment while ensuring that the artist's effort is protected at 40% (up to a maximum of 300 USD). Payments are made only for voice over projects that have been approved by the admin.

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How can I start a project?

You can browse and listen to all the artists on the "Voice Over Talents" page. By entering the word count and usage in the filter section at the top of the page, all prices will be automatically calculated and presented to you. You can make a payment using your credit card or digital wallet and create an order based on these prices. If the price of an artist you like is not within your expected pricing, but you still want to create a project with that artist, you can request a quote or specify your budget to the artist.

Some of the artists registered in our system prefer to evaluate each project separately and provide prices to you based on your requirements. In this case, you should request a price from them. If you find the price suitable, you can make a payment using your credit card or digital wallet and create the project.

Additionally, if you have a long-term project, such as an audiobook narration or a complex project, it is best to proceed with the "Request a Quote" method to ask for a price.

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How can I request a revision?

After creating your project, you can make revision requests through the project details section. Each artist specifies the number of free revisions they offer within the scope of the price they provide. These free revision numbers do not change in cases where the errors are caused by the artist. Therefore, if you have specified what you want in the project description and the artist still delivers a flawed voiceover, they are obligated to correct those errors free of charge.

However for example, you requested a strong tone in your instructions and later want to try a more emotional tone, this change will count towards your free revision count. Revisions can only be used for changes such as tonal adjustments and pacing modifications.

If you have made a change to the content itself, you can continue the project by paying the fee corresponding to the extent of the change. In this case, you will still have the opportunity to use the free revision count you are entitled to.

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How soon do I need to request a revision?

If you forget to close your completed project, it will automatically close after 10 days from its completion. During this time, the watermark on the voice over file will be automatically removed. You can still request revisions during the 10-day approval period.

However, if the time is not sufficient for you, you can communicate with the artist through the project details section to request revisions again.

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How can I tag my sample voice overs? What does it do?

The tags you add to your voice over files will be effective in searches performed in the "Browse Artists" page. For example, if you have created a voiceover for VoiceBros and tagged it as VoiceBros, any customer searching for VoiceBros will be able to listen to your voice over file.

You can assign as many tags as you want to a voice over file.

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How often should I update my voice over samples?

It is beneficial to regularly update your sample voice overs as the human voice can change over time. If a customer listens to an older sample of your work, they may expect to receive the same tone from you. However, if your voice has changed and you can no longer deliver that specific tone, it can lead to issues with the customer. Therefore, it is important to upload your latest samples to the system.

Additionally, voiceover files related to the projects you have completed will be published on your profile page under the "Completed Projects" section with the customer's permission. These files cannot be deleted or modified by the artist.

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How do I know if the sample voice over has been approved by the Quality Control Unit?

Voice Overs that are rejected by the system administrator are notified to you via email. In that email, you can see the reason for the rejection.

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How does the purchasing process work?

Purchases on the system are made with a Credit Card. Alternatively, you can use the balance in your wallet. You have the freedom to dislike and reject the purchased works. In such cases, the payment for the rejected work is transferred to your wallet account. You have the flexibility to use the money in your wallet at any time and even request a refund if desired.

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How can I apply to become a voice actor?

When creating an account on VoiceBros, simply indicating that you are an artist is sufficient. Once you identify yourself as an artist, you will be prompted to provide a voice over sample on the subsequent page.

Upon uploading your voice to the system, your voice and audio technology will be evaluated. If deemed necessary, you may be sent a test project. Applications with successful test results will be included in the system, allowing you to appear on the "Explore Artists" page and start earning.

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I didn't like the voice the artist sent. Can I cancel the project?

If you are not satisfied with the voiceover delivered by the artist, rejecting the project with a valid reason is sufficient. The project fee will then be instantly transferred to your Wallet account. You can use these funds to create a new project or request a refund to your account through the system.

However, you can cancel 1 out of every 3 projects. In other words, if you cancel your first project after entering the system, you will not have the chance to cancel the next 2 projects.

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What happens if my voice over is not accepted (rejected)?

The efforts of VoiceBros artists are protected under the VoiceBros guarantee.

An artist who delivers their work flawlessly will receive 65% of the net payment within 3 business days. However, in some cases, customers may not accept the work. In such situations, VoiceBros refunds the customer's payment while ensuring that the artist's effort is protected at 40% (up to a maximum of 300 USD). Payments are made only for voice over projects that have been approved by the admin.

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Is it possible to refuse the job?

If you are not satisfied with the voiceover delivered by the artist, rejecting the project with a valid reason is sufficient. The project fee will then be instantly transferred to your Wallet account. You can use these funds to create a new project or request a refund to your account through the system.

However, you can cancel 1 out of every 3 projects. In other words, if you cancel your first project after entering the system, you will not have the chance to cancel the next 2 projects.

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I want to share the sample voice over, but I don't want the VoiceBros name to appear.

The "Share" button next to the audio files you listen to on VoiceBros offers you two different sharing options:

Copy Branded Link: When you share using this option, the VoiceBros brand and link will be visible. Copy Unbranded Link: When you share using this option, it provides you with a different link where no VoiceBros branding or price is shown. You can use this sharing option if you prefer not to disclose where you obtained the audio from or its price.

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I delivered the the project that was requested but i'm not satisfied with it. Can I upload another version?

Sie haben das Projekt eingereicht, aber sind Sie damit nicht zufrieden? Sie können jederzeit Ergänzungen zu diesem Projekt vornehmen. Auf der Projektseite können Sie das Projekt auswählen und die Schaltfläche "Sprachaufnahme hochladen" oben verwenden, um zusätzliche Versionen zu senden.

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What is the "Quick Order" (Express Pricing) method to enable?

The system creates an automatic pricing algorithm based on the prices you enter for specific word counts, such as 5, 50, 500, and so on. This means the customer can quickly place an order without having to contact you, thanks to this automatically generated algorithm. If you want to work with this model, select the "Quick Order" checkbox.

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What is enabling the "Offer" method?

You can offer customers the option to request a custom price from you. If you don't want to deal with providing quotes, leave the "Offer" method checkbox empty. However, sometimes customers may like your voice, even if your price exceeds their budget, and they may want to take a chance and try working with you.

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What is enabling the "Automatic Offering" module?

You can only use this feature if your "Offer" method is enabled. You may not always be available at the system. Thanks to this feature, even if you are not present at the system, it will automatically apply a discount based on the rates you have predetermined for the "Quick Order" price and automatically present your quote to the customer.

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What is the automatic discount rate?

In this section, you can enter the rate you want to set for the "Automatic Offering" module. This way, when the automatic quote module is active, it will apply the necessary discount based on the rate you have predetermined here and automatically present your quote to the customer.

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What is enabling messaging with the client?

If you do not want to communicate with client, deactivate the box on the right. However, keep in mind that in many countries, client enjoy staying in touch with artists.

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How does "Receive Alerts About Your Works via WhatsApp" work?

If this feature is selected, only project-related status alerts will automatically be sent to your WhatsApp number. Please verify your number to use this feature.

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What is the use of specifying the preferred currency?

VoiceBros currency is USD. However, to make it more convenient for you and view it in your own currency, you can choose it here. Note: This is only used for display purposes.

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Why is "Quick Order" price adjustment important?

The system operates pricing based on an automatic algorithm. Therefore, when you enter your prices in USD in the boxes below, the system creates a price chart for you and automatically calculates prices for future jobs with different word counts.

For example; 50 words USD 50, 500 words USD 150; If you have entered a price, the system automatically offers the following prices to the client: 225 words USD 88.89, 300 words USD 105.56, 400 words USD 127.78.

Note 1: This feature comes into effect when the "Quick Order" option is selected above.

Note 2: If both "Quick Order" and "Proposal" Methods are enabled at the same time in the section above, the prices you enter here set a limit for you.

So, if a client requests a price for a 500-word job and you entered USD 150 for a 500 word job in the box, you cannot offer your proposal above USD 150.

Note 3: Artists with "Quick Order" prices open experience a higher volume of work and receive fewer messages. We recommend considering this as well.

Don't forget to make your recordings at professional standards, either in a studio or at your own home. Recordings made with mobile phones or similar systems are not accepted by VoiceBros.

Please consider the costs you will encounter and the VoiceBros commission when determining your price.

VoiceBros applies a 35% deduction for expenses such as taxes, advertising, operations, and commissions. By becoming a member, the artist is considered to have accepted these terms.

So, if you entered a price of USD 150 for 500 words, don't forget that you will net USD 97,5. Try to keep your prices at an optimal level.

Neither too low... Nor too high...

If you haven't read or understood the explanations, please take another look. For more detailed information, you can write to support@voicebros.com.

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What is the national usage rate?

The prices you have determined cover the rights for standart usage (local media, social media, personal use, in-house use, semi-professional use, etc.).

If the client plans to conduct a nationwide campaign or broadcast your voiceover to a wider audience, they will be required to make an additional payment at a rate specified in the box on the side.

Or, you may choose to offer a flat fee for all projects, allowing the client to use the voiceover as they wish without additional budget requirements.

Or, you may prefer to keep your price hidden in this category and provide a quote to the client for such jobs. Such purchases by the client cover a one-year right to use the material.

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What is the international usage rate?

The prices you have determined cover the rights for Standart Usage (local media, social media, personal use, in-house use, semi-professional use, etc.).

If the client plans to conduct a worldwide campaign or broadcast your voiceover to a global audience, they will be required to make an additional payment at a rate specified in the box on the side.

Or, you may choose to offer a flat fee for all projects, allowing the client to use the voiceover as they wish without additional budget requirements.

Or, you may prefer to keep your price hidden in this category and provide a quote to the client for such jobs. Such purchases by the client cover a one-year right to use the material.

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What is the With all rights - Lifetime?

The prices you have determined cover the rights for Standart Usage (local media, social media, personal use, in-house use, semi-professional use, etc.).

The client may want to purchase the voice over with all rights in perpetuity.

Please specify the terms for this situation in the box on the side.

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What does the extra rate for 1 additional alternative reading mean?

Standard purchases of client include one reading. If a client requests multiple versions, they must pay an additional fee. The fee will be determined based on the rate entered in the box next to it.

For example; if a client makes a $100 purchase and requests an extra version, and your rate is 25%, they will need to pay an additional $25 for the extra version.

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What does determining the number of free revisions you offer mean?

Please specify the number of free revisions you offer within the fee you have determined.

Don't forget that the number of free revisions you provide is a reason for clients' preference.

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What is the extra revision rate?

After exhausting the free revision rights provided to the client, an additional fee will be charged for any further revision requests.

This fee will be added to the price according to the rate you have determined on the side.

For example, if you have agreed with a client on a project for $100 and the client has used 2 free revision rights.

If you have set a rate of 30%, the client will be required to pay an additional $30 for an extra revision.

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What is the text editing rate?

Especially client who do not speak your language may sometimes request that their text be reviewed and corrected.

In case of such a request, it is necessary to make corrections without compromising the integrity and meaning of the text.

For this service, you may charge an additional fee (up to 50% at most) in addition to the project fee.

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What is the rate for splitting the voice into segments?

For example, if you have received an order to read a PBX voiceover, and the client is requesting all words to be delivered as separate files.

In this case, the client will be required to pay an additional fee.

The additional fee will be added to your price according to the rate you specify in the box on the side.

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What is the synchronization rate?

For example, you received an interview job in a different language, and the client is requesting a dubbing service; however, they want the voice over you provide to be synchronized with the video.

In this case, you will need to edit the video and audio on your computer to match them.

You can specify an additional fee as a percentage of the total charge for this service.