It doesn't matter who we are,
what matters is our Aura.
No one cared who I was until I increased my Aura.
[Please read the above paragraph as; Relax, everything is under your control.]
If would be extremely painful
For you.
[Please read the above paragraph as follows; You are in dialogue with the person in front of you and you still have a cocky attitude in control.]
Of you think aura is your ally?
You merely adopted the aura,
I was born with aura.
Molded by it.
I didn't see the light until I was already aura maxed.
[Please read the above paragraph as follows; Confident and relaxed because the plans are working like clockwork.]
Bro. They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Yes. The aura rises.
[Please read the above paragraph as follows; There is chaos in the environment you are in, communication is a bit difficult, so you try to make your voice heard by shouting and you should encourage the person in front of you confidently and give the image of 'we are winning, don't worry' in your voice.]
Now is not the time for FUD. That comes later.
[Please read the above paragraph as follows; There is chaos in your environment, so you are trying to be heard by shouting and you have a confident and cocky attitude in your voice. Please pronounce the word ''FUD'' as ''FAD''. Sample pronunciation file is attached. Name: FUD.m4a.]
Bane in Batman The Dark Knight
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